All of Pulse Commerce real-time shipping calculations are by weight, so if you use real-time shipping carriers the fees will be calculated by weight automatically. However, Pulse Commerce allows you to configure specific custom shipping methods based on the product price as well.
Note: The price of each product is entered in the Product Editor (Products > Product Catalog Manager).
Set up custom shipping fees by price:
- Go to Settings > Ship Methods & Rates.
- Click the Custom Shipping or Advanced Custom Shipping - International tab.
Note: The Advanced Custom Shipping - International tab allows you to create custom shipping methods specific to countries. Beyond that, the two tabs function the same. - In the Add New Shipping Option table, enter a name for Shipping Type. (For example, By Price.)
- Ensure that By Price is selected.
- Click Add New. This new method is added above the Add New Shipping Option header.
- Once created, Edit Rates to specify one or more price ranges.
- Click the help icon on the page for detailed examples and instructions.
A common example of a custom shipping method by price:
Creating free shipping on all orders over $300:
- Create a new By Price custom shipping method. Name it Free Shipping on orders over $300.
- Edit Rates.
- Add only one rate bracket, with a min of $300.01, and a max of something ludicrously high. Let's say, $10,000,000. Set cost to 0.
Now the customers can see this as an available shipping method, but only if they have at least $300.01 of merchandise in their cart. When they select this, they will be charged $0.00 for shipping.
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