When an "X" is displayed in place of an image, it is usually due to one of the following reasons:
- The image path is incorrect.
- The image is corrupt.
- An absolute image reference is used in SSL secure mode.
Incorrect Image Path
If the image path is not specified correctly, the image will not get displayed on the storefront. If you have uploaded the image in the Products folder using your FTP site, the base path to access the image would be as follows:
- images/products
If you have created a sub-directory in the products folder, you must include that in your path as well. For example:
- images/products/thumbnails/mythumbmail.jpg
Corrupt Image File
If you suspect the image is corrupt, try browsing for the image on your local computer using Internet Explorer. To do this:
- From IE's File menu, choose Open.
- Click the Browse button.
- Change Files of Type drop-down to specify the file type of the image.
- Browse for and select the image file on your local machine and then click the Open button.
- Click OK. The image should appear in IE's browser window. If it does not, then it may be corrupt.
Absolute Image Reference in SSL Secure Mode
Broken images will also occur if there are absolute (http://) image path references instead of a relative (img src="images/…") path references when in SSL secure mode.
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