Product Groups use the same sort order to sort the sub-products in the Product Group. The sort order is based on the display category the products are associated with the Primary and Secondary Sort key settings.
It sorts first by Display Category (the sort order field in display category- based on whether the product is associated with a display category) and secondly by sort order settings in Settings > General Settings.
- If the product is associated with a display category, and if the General Settings Primary Sorting is by Sort order and Secondary Sorting by Alphabetically, then the resulting sorting for the sub-products in Product Group would be:
Display Category Sort order, Product Sort order, and Product Name.
- If the products are not associated with a display category and if the site settings primary sort key is to use Sort order and secondary sorting by Alphabetically, then the resulting sorting for the sub-products in Product Group would be:
Product Sort order and Product Name.
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