Products may be assigned to up to 20 categories.
Categories are created using the Category Editor (Products > Category Editor).
Products are assigned to categories via the Product Editor (Products > Inventory Manager > Add/Edit Product > Product Editor).
Additionally, Pulse Commerce supports Product Groups. There is no definite limit to the number of Product Groups a Product can be assigned to. (Products > Inventory Manager > Add/Edit Product Group > Product Group Editor).
Associate a product with multiple categories:
- Navigate to Products > Inventory Manager.
- Search for the product and click the Edit link.
- You will find an Add New link. This opens Add/Edit Category pop up.
- Select a value for the category you want the product to be associated with.
- Enter a numerical value in Sort Order field.
- If want to make product Category Featured click Category Featured.
- Click Save.
Edit existing category associations:
- Go to Products > Inventory Manager > Product Editor.
- Mouse over the existing category; it will show information like the category name, sort order and if it is a category featured product or not.
- In order to edit, mouse over the category name – click edit. It will open up the Add/Edit Category pop up.
- Select a value for the new category you want the product to be associated with.
- Once done click Save.
Delete an existing category association:
- Go to Products > Inventory Manager > Product Editor.
- Mouse over the existing category to show information like the category name, sort order and if it is a category featured product or not.
- Click the Delete icon. When you click the X there is confirmation pop up – click OK and this will remove the given category association for given product.
Multiple category associations using Import/Export:
Import/Export allows you to associate a product with 20 categories. When inserting a new product you can associate it with multiple categories or you can update the existing category association – export the products with the category column to modify the categories – save the CSV and import it back in after modifications.
Note: if you try to associate a product with more than 20 categories the import is rejected - the product import doesn't support associating to more than 20 categories.
The data entry format is illustrated through the below example:
- Category1;SubCat1;SubSubCat1;SubSubSubCat1^Yes^1|
- Category2;SubCat2;SubSubCat2^No^2|
- Category3;SubCat3 ^Yes^3
Deeper level categories are specified after entering a semi-colon (;). Once the complete category hierarchy is specified, a caret (^) is specified, followed by either a Yes or a No, indicating respectively whether the product is category-featured or not for that particular category. The next value is sort order.
If a product needs to be associated with multiple categories, a pipe (|) is needed to separate the distinct category associations. In the above example, the product is associated with three categories.
Please note:
- A product can be associated with a maximum of 20 categories.
- At least one category association is mandatory.
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