This can be achieved using Pulse Commerce's Checkout Survey Manager functionality:
- Go to Marketing > Checkout Survey Manager.
- For the Checkout Survey Heading in the Store Front field, enter the heading you want customers to see during checkout.
(For example, we have set the question to Required information.) - In the Checkout Survey Question (New) section, specify your question in the Question field.
(For example, "Do you accept the Terms & Conditions of this site?") - Select the Visible check box and the Required check box.
- Enter your Terms and Conditions text into the WYSIWYG editor.
- Select the Open in popup checkbox to have the Terms and Conditions appear in a popup window.
- Click the Add button.
- In the List of Checkout Survey Questions, click the Edit Options link beside the question you input in step 3.
- In the Checkout Survey Question Options popup window, enter Yes into the Question Option field, and click Add.
- Click the Close button. Customers on your storefront will now need to confirm that they comply with your site's Terms & Conditions before placing their order.
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